What's Your Life Path?

Have you ever wondered--
What's the meaning of my life?

Throughout the existence of man, everyone has wondered about that-at least one time in their life. Some have devoted an entire lifetime in search of the meaning. Another question that arises in the minds of mankind is-"What's my life Path?" or "Why am I here?" or "What am I supposed to do, while I'm here?" The ones who are hungry for that info go to great lengths to find out. Like going to church, psychics, gypsies, astrologers & seances. They travel all over the world-like Africa-to look for remote tribes to give them the answers; India where they join ashrams; to Tibet for the Dalai Lama; to the Holy Land and Jerusalem for the rabbis.
What if the answers were right where you were-the whole time! What if I told you, you can find the answers ALL on your own. What if the creator of Mankind & the universe(or God) WANTED to give the knowledge of "Your life Path"-but you didn't trust in yourself enough that you had to look for answers elsewhere. What if he wanted to show you-you have the power to:

Find your life Path and Live it!