What's Your Life Path?
Have you ever wondered--
What's the meaning of my life?
Throughout the existence of man, everyone has wondered about that-at least one time in their life. Some have devoted an entire lifetime in search of the meaning. Another question that arises in the minds of mankind is-"What's my life Path?" or "Why am I here?" or "What am I supposed to do, while I'm here?" The ones who are hungry for that info go to great lengths to find out. Like going to church, psychics, gypsies, astrologers & seances. They travel all over the world-like Africa-to look for remote tribes to give them the answers; India where they join ashrams; to Tibet for the Dalai Lama; to the Holy Land and Jerusalem for the rabbis.
What if the answers were right where you were-the whole time! What if I told you, you can find the answers ALL on your own. What if the creator of Mankind & the universe(or God) WANTED to give the knowledge of "Your life Path"-but you didn't trust in yourself enough that you had to look for answers elsewhere. What if he wanted to show you-you have the power to:
Find your life Path and Live it!
I know that's it's hard for some people to realize that they CAN "Trust in Themselves" to find the answers with a little research. Wouldn't it be liberating to you? The mind is a powerful thing and taming it-is one the hardest things to do in our lifetime. Instead of saying "We are our own worst enemy"(because of our mind), we can say "I'm my own best freind". Ok, I know your getting impatient and saying "Get on with it-right?" LOL.
Well you can find the answers right in the grocery store! WHAT? You can also find it at Walgreens, or a game shop or in your own home, right where put all the games in the closet!
A regular deck of playing cards!
Don't turn me off just yet! Give me a few more minutes of your time. What do you have to lose by reading a little bit further?
You see-all throughout mankind-Symbols were used by the creator to communicate with man. They could be pictures, numbers & letters that could be turned in words and thus language; Before language though, pictures, letters and numbers were easier to decipher for man-it was a process. Through symbols the creator could communicate to man the wonder of his creations-the stars, planets, earth, plants, animals and Man. As man got more sophisticated in deciphering these symbols, he found that the universe was created with strict mathematical principles. One of the first symbols man could relate to was the Sun (or the Circle). They knew exactly where the sun was following a path and the timing of it. Thus he learn about the mathematics of timing and numbers were formed. Another example, would be the stars at night, symbols were created for all the constellations and the mathematical timing and meanings of the same.
Are you getting the Symbol?(I meant the "Picture").
Man was kicking butt in knowledge about how the universe was created. He knew that the paths and timings of these bodies could be relied upon throughout the ages. That the creator and his creations were the same "Yesterday, Today & Forever". That the creator was in perfect harmony-all the time. They knew the Creator was talking to them and giving them knowledge. It raised the hair on the back of their heads that such an omnipotent power would take the time to communicate about all the marvelous works and wonders to them. They got a deep-seated feeling that he "Loved" them. But what about why he created man? What was his "plan for man".
I know, bear with me, cause "patience is a virtue". The creator conveyed more symbols to man about his plan for him. Man being the most intelligent animal--over time was able to decipher it. Those symbols were the regular deck of playing cards-with their symbols & numbers!
(Note: Some of this information is from Robert Camp-Author or "Love Cards" and Edith Randall & Florence Campbell-Authors of "Sacred Symbols of the Ancients".)
Hang in there. Well...Member I told you one of the first symbols was a circle representing the sun--to man it represented the creator. Then a point was added to the inside of the circle. It was the creator telling man that he came out of his bosom, from there he got separated from the creator to be put down here on this earth. Thus you have a circle, or "Zero" mathematically with a point separated which was turned into another symbol-the number 1-which represented the coming out of man from the perfect harmony of the Sun to the unperfect physical plane. The number 1 was turned into another symbol-the letter "A"-thus began letters, words, phrases and language; all so we could understand the symbols of the creator. Of course, I'm talking the English language. Other languages like Hebrew were created before English through this same type of method. Even the first coming out of man to this earth was named (A)dam. In the deck of cards, the first card in the natural order of each suit are the (A)ces, which also numerically signify 1. Through the symbolism of the Aces in the cards, the creator was telling us that man came out from his bosom(the circle) to the physical plane (the dot or "1"). He was giving us knowledge about perfect order and that it began with "1" or "A" which the Aces represented-it represented masculine/positive energy or the "Male".
Are you kinda getting it now?
Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you hanging at 1. From the single dot (it was lonely) a second dot was added-thus we have "the other" (fe-male), which symbol is the "2". Of course, on every 2 of each suit is 2 dots or the symbol of each suit. This was the Feminine/negative energy or principle. The natural order from 1 is "2". Man had to have "the other" or female to advance in the knowledge of his natural order. Now when I say "negative", we all get a stigma from that word. What I should of said is the "Opposite". Both these energies in Man & Woman are important and necessary to BOTH of them. Just like a car battery cannot operate the car without BOTH the positive and negative.
You see, when I use a car as an example, it's not so stigmatised-is it?OK, Let's move on to Page 3
The next number in natural order is....you guessed it "3", which now represents "man, woman & son". Do you see a pattern developing here? The number 4, represents "man, Woman, son & Daughter" and so on.
Oh no, there's much more-the more we go up the natural order of the cards, the more complex it gets. Each card and it's number(dots), and suit have a meaning showing the Creators "Plan for Man". We'll get to that later. But for now I want to add that man learned math in the creation and also "Sacred Geometry". How? do you ask. Well if you take a single point and add another point and draw a line from one to the other, you have the first basic geometric concept. It's also 1 dimensional. When you add a third dot, you can draw lines that form a triangle. Now were getting 2 dimensional. Man even learned about the angles and degrees of those angles and was now super-elevated in his knowledge of the workings of the universe. Of course, 4 points meant a square. The more the creator gave him knowledge through symbols, the more he learned about complex geomtric shapes and their natural order like the Pentagram, Hexagram, etc.
Well...I'm glad you asked, pfft..I was getting to that! The Natural order of the Cards is Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades-they also represent the seasons.HEARTS signify the beginning of your life. It all has to do with home, family, relationships and your upbringing-you know things of the heart. They signify the Spring-when it rains and all life begins to sprout. And of course, the heart is a worldwide symbol that everyone knows instantly what it means when they see it---love.CLUBS: When we start growing up and leave the nest, we start learning about communicating outside of the home and getting an education-like school and college-to learn what kind of job were going to get-that is the Clubs-communicating and acquiring knowledge-our mental aspect. Clubs represent the Summer.DIAMONDS: Then when we start getting a job and start reaping the rewards or money that will pay for our home and acquiring possesions. Just like the farmer who reaps money from the harvest that pays for his farm. We also create our values as we mature in life at this stage. That's what Diamonds means-money/values-and represents the Autumn or Fall. And of course, we know the worldwide symbol of the Diamond and what it means.SPADES: And finally, we've labored for most of our life and get ready to retire and take it easy. We basically get ready for the next step of our evolution-we start worrying about our deteriorating health and...we kick the bucket. But before that, we reflect on our life and start getting in touch with our spiritual side that we were too busy during our lifetime. We also gained wisdom from all the experiences of our lifetime. That's what Spades represents-Labor/spirituality/Wisdom/Health/Death. And the symbol is a Spade-it's literaly used to dig our grave. But instead of fearing death, it should be celebrated, because where there is death(or end of a cycle), there's always re-birth or transformation. Another symbol for the Spades is the Acorn. When the Acorn falls off the Oak tree, it gets buried in the dark, but then regenerates into a huge oak tree. So Spades also means things of the dark-like death, secrets, deep spiritual knowledge.
So through the symbols on the cards of the suits, the creator showed us a pattern of our seasons and lives; and it's meanings.OK, OK, I'M TUNING IN, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NUMBERS AND THEIR MEANINGS?
You mean your still with me? WOW!
As you know, each suit has 1 thru 10; a Jack, Queen and King-or 13 in each suit. Now I'll be brief as possible with all the meanings, all this symbolism in the cards about the creators' "Plan for Man" goes way deeper. This website is just to get you started. Now every day of the year corresponds with one of the 52 cards (to see what card is yours-go to page 6). YOU are born under one of these cards influences and by understanding those influences-you can gain knowledge about your patterns in this lifetime.Ok, go to Page 4 for each cards' definition.
THE ACEWe'll start with the 1 or the Ace. Like I said before-the "dot" or the 1- represents man coming out of the Spiritual perfect plane onto the unperfect physical plane. So he/she is a neophyte or "rookie" not knowing what to expect. They're seeking to know about everything just like a newborn baby going around the house and checking everything-they're also seeking to create new things-it's the Masculine energy in them-even if it's a female-she has a high dose of that masculine energy within her-a Tomboy if you will. They desire to find out who they are-so their impatient and want to know NOW! They are #1, "numero uno", they are individualistic, so they can stand being alone; other people would classify them as selfish, but they're soul searching. They are like the first Astrological sign-(A)ries. So if you want to understand the Creator more-he is like an infinite 1-constantly growing and learning--creating more universes and attaining more wisdom as he goes.THE TWOAfter the 1's soul searching and finding him/herself, they move on the next step---finding the other (2)-the female energy. It's their compliment and creates balance. Basically, all even numbers have balance because they represent stability or evenness; whereas Odd numbers are...."ODD" and unbalanced. So 2's seek to create balance in their own lives and those around them. Unlike the Ace, the 2's are seeking their compliment. They are afraid of being alone. Sometimes they go too far and have that smothering effect. 2 also signifies the Father-Mother Principal. The 2 is closely aligned to the second Astrological sign-Taurus.THE THREEAfter the 2 has experienced balance with another, they seek to move on to the next step-the 3. The best way I can describe the 3's is...let's say you're hiking on a path and all of a sudden there's a split in the path. You have to decide "Do I go this way or that". Indesicive is the word I'm looking for. This drive makes them seek what each path has to offer. It's a creative drive like the Ace-you know the masculine creative energy-except the 3 is seeking more variety than itself. They have abundant creative energy-so many of them are artists, musicians, writers, etc. They're like the Gemini sign. They get bored easy, so they move on to the next creative idea they got in their head. They also have this drive with relationships, constantly seeking new experiences in that department. 3's also represent the Triangle or the Trinity-the Father, Mother & Son.THE FOURAfter the 3's crave to experience variety, we move on to the next step in man's evolution-the 4. Four dots represent the "Square". What else has 4 corners? A home which means stability, security, contentment and foundation. They're solid, grounded people. They work there butt off for this foundation, sometimes to a fault with those around them. Other's would think of them as..."Squares". It's the female energy that wants balance whether male or female. So you see the more we go up in number, their's a higher level of balance or unbalance(the drive to break out of the balance that was experienced in the last number). So BOTH are needed for our evolution-you know-the positive/negative thing I was talking about. 4's signify the Father-Mother-Son-Daughter aspect. It also closely related to the sign of Cancer.THE FIVEAfter the rock solid foundation we experience in the 4. We seek new experiences-even more than the 3. So 5's are the most restless cards in the deck. They are the adventurers and explorers like Christoper Columbus or Lewis & Clark. They are the trailblazers of creating new paths for mankind.
Freedom is a word akin to 5-even to the confines of the 4's foundation. This restlessness also takes a toll on their minds & relationships. They can't be bottled up-they will leave on a moments notice when they want to seek new experiences. 5 is also called "The number of man". Why you say? Well count the number of fingers you have on each hand and foot. So basically everyone has the 5 energy in them a little-you know freedom fighters, trailblazers and such. I want to add another facet to all the numbers with their suits. Since the Heart suit deals with things of the Heart. The 5 of Hearts are restless in unsatisfied emotions and relationships. The 5 of Clubs have a chronic mental restlessness. The 5 of Diamonds has restlessness about money and jobs. The 5 of Spades is the most restless in all these departments. Why? because it has "evoluted" through all the suits and has had the experience of all of them. So you can take the meaning of each card number and associate it with what the suit is. Are you getting it? It's an amazing thing! Here's another thing, the higher the number the more we have in our circle of relationships. So the 5 signifies Father, Mother, Son, Daughter and...and another child or a freind being added to the family.THE SIXFrom the super restlessness of the 5, the next step is a higher level of balance-the 6. The more we go up in the natural sequence of numbers, the more knowledge and wisdom we attain from the previous numbers. We also go deeper into ourselves and learn about the spiritual aspects about the creators "Plan for Man"-like cause and effect or karma. The 6's know about this ageless law-"What goes around comes around". They are concsious of this law so they are the peace makers, promoting peace and balance. It's like a mission for them. The 6 of each suit has a particulary mission in this lifetime. As the 5 has so much restlessness which takes a toll on them, the 6 has a higher level of balance that sometimes it gets into a rut of changlessness. The 6 will be in situations in it's life that last for a long time-good or bad. So you see, in each number, there's a positive and negative influence. It's up to us to recognize and become aware of them and choose.THE SEVENAnd now we come to the 7, one of the most spiritual numbers in the deck. Why? If you take the 13 cards in each suit, the 7 falls right in the middle. It's the "middle man" so to speak. It is the pathway from the mundane, physical numbers-1 thru 6 to the higher path-the 8's thru Kings.
So 7 is our "door" from the comfort and balance of the visible-physical world-of the 6, to the spiritual or unkown, unseen(without our physical eyes) path to the our soul and where it came from. They have a direct connection to a source that will give them knowlege to experience higher states of consciousness and that all their needs will be taken care of. So the keyword would be..."Faith". Like every number has a negative side too, if they operate on the mundane side, they can become depressed and lose faith in the Creator's plan and become miserable or they can begin their spiritual journey on their way back to join with the Creator and have no more worries or fears. If you notice, there are 7 days in a week, 7 chakras in the body and 7 seals in the book of revelations. So you see, we're getting deeper as we go.
THE EIGHTAfter passing through the challenge of the 7 and overcoming it-we move on to the 8-which represents the power of "will" that took you through the 7-congratulations. So the keyword for the 8 is.."POWER". 4+4=8, so 8's are double the 4's energy-a higher level if you will. They have the ability to effect change whatever direction they choose by focusing their energy. The 8 of Hearts have the power and charm to attract many relationships to them. The 8 of Clubs has mental power. The 8 of Diamonds has business acumen-the power of money/values and the 8 of Spades has the ability of all them-in others words-true wisdom. But like I said before, every numbers energy has the positive and negative. 8's will feel this power within them, so they have the choice to abuse it or use it for good will. 8's represent the sign of Scorpio-it will either sting you to death or you will go through a self-transformation. It's always our choice. 8 represent a fullness of a cycle-the very top of the ladder if you will. They've acquired the knowledge and experience of going through the numbers 1 thru 7.THE NINEAfter reaching the top of the ladder-do we have nowhere to go but down? Well it's our choice again. The 9's represent the completion of a cycle or rounding the circle to it's end. You know when you complete something like getting your degree-it's something to celebrate-you've accomplished a lot. BUT NOW WHAT? Your so use to working toward your goal that you've achieved-but now comes the abyss-because you're asking yourself "What am I going to do now"? You've come to the unknown. The 9 is another of the spiritual numbers-if you do the math-every number from 1-8 can be added together to get 9. Like 1+8, 2+7, 3+6, 4+5. Nines is the last single digit-it has all the experiences the previous numbers-the completion of a cycle to move on to the double-digits. So all 9's can either celebrate and get ready for their next level of spiritual development or they can be at the abyss of their thinking and have a major disappointments throughout their life. 9's on the material level, will sell all their possessions for almost nothing at a garage sale-because they no longer need them for the next move. On the spiritual level, they dedicate their lives to the giving of universal love, knowledge & values to help others.THE TENAnd now we reach the next level-the 10-the double digit. If you look at the number-it's a 1 with a Zero (circle-the Sun). The 10 has achieved the right to be next to the Creator (circle) and commune with him. It's also an elevated Ace-it has completed the circle-you see. The 10 has decided not to fall into the abyss of the negative side of the 9. No, no...it has found another ladder to go up-another circle (cycle)-if you will. But this time, they take with them all the experience and wisdom from the previous cycle. 10's take the Aces drive, ambition and need to create things to another level-in other words-the Aces just came into the material world and seek to find themselves in it. The 10's raise that to another level and turn their attention inward to the spiritual aspect of themselves. So like the Ace, people will sometimes see the 10's as "Self Centered" of which they are allowed to be. They are, I'm "Numero Uno-doubled". They have a need for attention and recognition. Sometimes this can go to their head and cause them to crash. The 10 is aligned with the sign of Capricorn of which ruler is Saturn and the 10th house in Astrology. Which has to do with career and reputation. This creates a drive for prominence and achievement-you know-"Look at Me".THE JACKAnd now we enter the Royal Court. Since the Jacks come right after the 10, they numerologically are the number 11-they sit right next to the 10-you know-man (1) and the creator(0). Except they are the beginning of a new level. Since Jacks have two 1's in them, they have alot of masculine enery in them-even females who are Jacks-will feel this energy. After successfully passing through the sequence of the 10-they are crowned a Prince of the Royal Court-a Son of the King and Queen-if you will. Jack's are a double 1 or (11), and like a 1 that is new and just come into this physical plane and is like a child. The Jack is new to the Royal Court. Jack's are youthful, romantic, witty and charming. And like any child, they want to have fun and play-sometimes to the point of never growing up. Since their learning about being in the royal court, their adolesence wants "their subjects" below to respect them. On the low side, they will take bribes to act on someone's behalf. They are masters of deception and trickery-thiefs if you will. If they respect their title and realize they are initiates of the Creators plan for man. They will let go of their lower nature and rise up to be a beacon to help those numbers below them to become a part of the royal court. The J of hearts will show "Spiritual Love"; the J of Clubs will give "Spiritual Knowledge"; the Jack of Diamonds is a representative for "Higher Values"; and the Jack of Spades will be an example of all of the Jacks below.THE QUEENSAfter the Prince (Jacks) has fulfilled their role-they will be the heir to the throne. The Queens and Kings (mothers and fathers) of the deck. The Queen is is after the Jack (11)-so it is a 12 or (1) male and (2) Female. She is equal to the King in rulership, both are necessary-(1) is without the other(2). The Queen brings the more compassionate and service-oriented energies to the rulership-the motherly influence if you will. Even males who are Queens have this motherly quality about them. They help others to develop themselves to move on to the next level of which they have done.
Sometimes they do it to a fault and (S)mother them to a point where they prevent (like a bird has to fall from the nest to learn how to fly) them from growing and finding their own way. Some of them do this in relationships too and access the low side of this energy-Co-Dependency. The number 12 reduces to a 3 (1+2=3), so they can have the insecurity and indecision-the low side of the 3 in their relationships. The Queens are powerful and represent the principal of Birth-not death-of man. Their number-12-represents the 12 signs and houses of the Zodiac. There were 12 disciple of Jesus; 12 tribes in Israel; there's 12 months in a year. She is the moon that rules over all the aspects of our mundane or earthly experience. It took a long time in our society when there was an unequal amount of Masculine energy to finally realize the Feminine energy was just as important. It wasn't until 1920 that women were finally allowed to vote. Then they sat among jurors and passed judgement. They are the true judges by their gift of receptivity, intuition and compassion. This also is true within each individual, sometimes we exhibit an unequal energy-masculine or feminie-and it throws off our balance and creates uneeded pain and sorrow in our relationships.THE KINGSAnd finally, we get to the Kings. They have reached the pinnacle of power having passed through all the numbers. The are natural born leaders. They symbolize the positive, masculine activating principle in humanity. You can see this masculine energy in females who have a King birthdate. A King's number is 13. Between the 1 and 3 is a 2(female). So the King can't properly rule without the Queen's spiritual vision. The King of each suit rules by what he has knowledge of; the King of Hearts rules by love; the King of Clubs through knowledge; the King of Diamonds rules by substance and values; the King of Spades rules by wisdom.NOW GO TO PAGE 5
Ok, Ok, the Joker or the Jester is the only one who can mock the King and Queen and get away with it, at the festive gatherings in the palace. In card games, the Joker is the "Trump" or wild card, and can be any card it wants. Why is that? Well...the Joker has passed through the whole sequence of all the 52 cards. It is the "Fool" card with the value of "O" in the Tarot deck. Their is only one date for this card-December 31. They are a rare bird.
There are these rare birds in the eras of history; like Pharoah, Solomon, Buddha and one of the most notable--Jesus. Could Jesus with all his knowledge and wisdom be a Joker? After all he stood up and mocked the hierarchy of his time.
They do have the same beginning letter (J). Something to ponder.
Did he show us a pattern that we CAN re-turn (or be re-surrected) and go back to the Spiritual Plane? The deck of cards has many mathematical clues to the creation of the Universe and how it applies to our physical plane. There are 52 cards=52 weeks in the year; there are 2 Colors- Red and Black=Positive & Negative-Male & Female; 4 Suits=4 Elements and the 4 Seasons; 12 Court Cards=the 12 Months; 13 Cards in each suit-The 12 Signs of the zodiac plus the Sun; 2 "Special" Numbers= 7 and 9; The number 7 as the center of each suit; The 7 original planets known to the Ancients; 7 days in a week. The number 9 as the last single number; The Cycle of man's experience; The number that includes all numbers and all planets-The Universal Number. The natural order of the cards is Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades; each card is equal to it's numerical value-so the A of Hearts-the very first card in the natural order is valued at 1; the 2 of Hearts is 2; when we get to the Jack after the 10, it equals 11; Queen 12; King 13. So if we add all the values and times it by the 4 suits, what do we get? Let's see; 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55x4=220; 4 Jacks; 11x4=44; 4 Queens 12x4=48; 4 Kings=52. So add them up together-220+44+48+52=364. Is this the days in a year---no, it's 365 1/4 days. We forgot the Joker who is valued at 1 1/4 (a quarter value each for the 4 suits plus himself).
So you see, the Creator gave man these symbols so he could decipher them in a regular deck of cards. As man grew in knowledge of these symbols he was able to decipher much more out of this "Book of Symbols" and continues to.YOU'VE MENTIONED PLANETS EARLIER, HOW DO THEY FIT IN?Good Question. Each planet gives an added energy and meaning to each card. Each birthday has it's Planetary rulers (see Page 7). You remember the magical and spiritual number 7-there are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. So let's get into the influences of these planets on us.MERCURY is the first planet that orbits the Sun. It has the fastest orbit at 88 days, so everything that Mercury influences is fast, quick and doesn't last long. Since it is the closest to the Sun, the Sun feeds it's Rays or knowledge to Mercury and then it gives it out to us. It's a messenger, so it deals with communications like phone calls, emails or face to face talk. Since it's the first planet from the sun, it also means the beginning of our life on this earth and our dealings with family-Father, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters and such. It also influences our mind and it's mental aspectsVENUS. Of course, we can all guess what Venus governs---Love. Things of the heart, like marriage, family, relationships, beauty, art, desires. The satisfaction that ensues from accomplished objectives. Since it's Feminine energy, it rules women and the things which they are interested in.MARS rules physical energy and vitality of the human will; of initiative (self starter & drive); purpose-for good or ill. It is the passionate force, lust, anger, war, or meeting your goals. It rules arguments, debates, quarrels and lawsuits (legal & financial matters). It is the Masculine energy.JUPITER governs blessings-both physical and spiritual. On the physical plane it is wealth, fortune, possessions, and our assets-like business, income and professions and higher education. In the Spiritual, it is getting inspiration from the Creator into the Higher Laws and Higher Mind. Of course, every planet has it's negative energy too-like greed, self-aggrandizement & self indulgence. It is the fat the wrecks the health.SATURN is far away from the Sun and it's warming rays-so it's cold and hard, like concrete. It gives us the cold, hard facts of our existence like results of past actions-karma you could say. He is the Grim Reaper, the collector of Taxes, he forcefully clears our account so we can begin to have peace in our mind that we can proceed into the higher realms (Uranus-the next planet). That was the negative, the positive side is in reality, he is the taskmaster, the great educator. Kinda like the teacher who took the time to deal with the problem student. In the end, the student-later on his life-thanks him for teaching him about strict justice which set him on a path of stability. It's always your choice to use the good or bad side of each planets energy. So Saturn represents limitation, hardship, sorrow, loss, ill health and poverty.
IF EARNED. Conversely, he brings us to recognition and honor through a process or testing, deepening and strengthening whatever of worthiness lies within us; through creating in us balance and stability, loyalty and integrity and through teaching us the wisdom that overcomes all obstacles. The wise man learns-and only through Saturn-to welcome his problems and to pile up no further debts through wrong thinking, wrong eating and ungoverned emotions. By paying for the past we earn our freedom for the future. Saturns also governs our type of work or professions.URANUS Now you're getting so far away from the Sun, that your almost to the end of this galaxy. Uranus is peeking into the abyss of next galaxy-it's awed by what's on the other side. So it's like a new frontier(New Age) and you don't know what to expect. So under it's influence, unexpected things happen in our life to shake us or wake us up to shed our old skin like a snake-it could lead us to the next level or destroy us-it's our choice-that's what's so neat. It's like the next ladder that I told you about earlier. If you play it right, it will give you insight into the higher realms-like ESP-the 6th sense . On the physical plane, it's like new scientific discoveries & universal brotherhood. It also governs Labor & relations tied with it and real estate.NEPTUNE Were even further from the Sun and it's light-further into the dark abyss. We're having to now turn within instead of relying on the Sun. Could it be that we need to be our own Sun? To spread that universal love and knowledge to others so they can become a Sun? So Neptune is called the Planet of the Soul. It rules inspiration, idealism and utopian objectives. It drops a veil over reality and deflects the mind from practical, down-to-earth considerations. It therefore represents illusion and delusion, Negatively, our response is lying, deceiving, trickery and the evil side of subtlety. It is ruler of liquids and gases, medicines and drugs, commerce and shipping. Since it's so far from the sun it rules all things at a distance-like travel and even foreign countries.WOW! SO HOW DO I FIND OUT WHAT BIRTH CARD I AM?-----------------------Go to Page 6
SO HOW DO I FIND OUT WHAT BIRTH CARD I AM?Well... you actually have 2 cards (a birth card and Planetary Ruling Card), just like in Astrology-you have a birth sign and a rising sign. So you can know even more about yourself. For now though, I'm just going to give you your birth card.
Every day of the year has it's corresponding card. Through it's Number and suit-you can begin to "Enlighten" yourself with who you are. Here is the list with each day and it's card (see chart at the top right of this page).
You can get a more detailed description of your Birth Card through email correspondence.SO HOW DOES THIS ALL TIE TOGETHER? HOW CAN I KNOW MORE ABOUT MY LIFE PATH THAN JUST MY CARD?Ok, now we're getting into the deeper aspects. There are 2 spreads that can tell you about your place in the Spiritual & this Physical life. The first is the Natural or Spiritual Spread, the 2nd is the Mundane or Physical Spread.
They are both 7 across and 7 down and each spot on the spread is ruled with 3 on the top center which is the "Crown Line"-we'll get to that later. Like I said before, the Creators plan for man is always perfect and harmonious. It's always something the Man can rely on. The perfect order of the cards is hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. Can you guess what the very first card on the top line of 7 (that magical number) cards starts with? (see graph in the middle of this page)...you guessed it-the Ace of Hearts-they go from right to left-followed by the 2 of Hearts thru the 7. That first horizontal line is governed by the first planet Mercury (the matching symbols for each planet is to the right and bottom-get to know these symbols without the names). The next line of 7 horizontal cards continues on from the 8 of Hearts to the A of Clubs-the first card in the next suit-you see we went all the way from the Ace of Hearts to the K of hearts then to the Ace of the next suit. This second line is governed by Venus and it's energies. So you continue on like this to the 3rd line which is governed by Mars; the 4th line governed by Jupiter; the 5th governed by Saturn; the 6th governed by Uranus; and the last or 7th line governed by Neptune of which the last card in that line ends up being the 10 of Spades.
What about the Jack, Queen & King of Spades?
They are placed at the top center of the 7X7 spiritual spread. It's called the crown line. These cards have have all the wisdom of the previous cards and have been "Crowned".
Now just like the horizontal rows are governed by the order of the planets; so are the vertical. The first vertical line (on the right) is Mercury; the 2nd is Venus and so on. So for each position you have 2 planetary influences and their energies. For example, as you see the Ace of Hearts is the Mercury-Mercury card. It has DOUBLE the influence of Mercury; the 2 of Hearts is the Mercury-Venus card-so it's influenced by both planetary energies; the 3 of Hearts is the Mercury-Mars card and so on down the line.Now we'll get to the Mundane or Physical spread. But before we do, I'll have to explain it to you. When the Creator put man on this physical plane and started to give him knowledge through symbols about the plan. Man found out the through his love, he was given choice-free agency if you will. Man chose to take the orderly, harmonious, balanced plan and turn it into his own plan which included all the vices like lust, power and greed. You know, kinda like Adam in the Garden of Eden(spiritual spread), when Adam disobeyed the "Plan for Man" and made his own-the Creator banished him out of the Garden. In other words, he made his values (Diamonds) about money and the earthly possessions he could get for it. Instead of seeking for the "Treasures of Heaven", he sought the treasures of the earth.
So the Creator allowed him his choice and obliged it. Thus we have the unbalanced, out of order, in disarray "Mundane Spread". Instead of peace and happiness and learning the higher realms that the perfect order gave us. We have wars, lust, greed, power, hunger, poverty-all the vices instead of the virtues.
Man has fallen from his true place along side the creator and until man decides to have the "will" to return, we will continue on this crash course to our own demise. In all his love and wisdom, has the Creator given us the Mundane Spread for clues to that return? Did he bring his Son (Sun) down on this physical plane to show us the way back (the re-turn or re-surrection) to the Spiritual plane?
Something to Ponder.Ok, let's get to the Mundane spread. Like I said before, it's the unperfect spread. The cards are out of their natural order, but there is still order-or a plan-a way back to the natural order. So don't fret, in his love-like a true Father-the Creator as left us an out. The first card that was in the place of the Ace of Hearts in the Natural Spread is now the 3 of Hearts. So the 3 of Hearts is now the Mercury-Mercury card in the Mundane spread. As you can see by graph below. The next card besides the 3 of Hearts (going to the left) is the Ace of Clubs which was the 2 of Hearts in the Natural order. It is now the Mercury-Venus card and so on down the line. (see Life Spread graph at the bottom of this page)HOW CAN THESE SPREADS HELP ME KNOW ABOUT MY LIFE PATH?Good Question. We are now delving even deeper into the Creator's Plan for Man and even you individually. By its suit, by its planetary rulership, by its position in the Spread, by the number of its spots or the picture on its face and by its relationship to other cards in sequence, you are revealed to yourself from new angles of enlightenment; you begin to understand the why of your inclinations and impulses, your emotional and psychological reactions, your attractions and repulsions and the ease or difficulty you find in living harmoniously with those in your environment.
As you gain in understanding you learn to make practical use of your knowledge. You learn the importance of choosing YOUR vocation and developing YOUR ability and you cease to waste your time and energy in cultivating the people and things that have no useful part in your life.
When relating your Card to your birthdate, bear in mind the Element, Qualities and Rulership of your Sign. These all have a definite bearing on the Suits, Spots and Numbers.
You can find out your personal life pattern for your whole life. You can even find out what's happening with you every year of your life or even 7 years, 7 weeks, or 7 days of your life.
I will stop here. It is time for you to step out into your own and do your own research. You can learn about this more through Robert Camp and his book "Cards of your Destiny".
You can also research deeper into Astrology to understand even more and tie it in with the Cards.WAIT A MINUTE!!! WAIT A MINUTE!!! BEFORE YOU GO, YOU SAID SOMETHING ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS-CAN I LEARN ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIPS I HAVE RIGHT NOW AND MAYBE FUTURE ONES?Yes, Yes, you can! Through the cards, you can learn about what connections and energy you have to each one of your family members. You can find what connections you have in your other relationships and even the new people that come into your life. For example, if you have a Venus connection to someone, you know there will be alot of love energy between you; if you have a Saturn connection, there will be tough, learning experience-either you or the other person will a cold hard teacher-but how you take each relationship, is totally up to you; if you have a Uranus relationship with someone- you know that unexpected things will happen and one of you will want their freedom in this relationship. You see, by knowing the connections you have with people, you can forsee what type it will be, and "whether you want to weather" it, LOL. I'm not going to get into this much further, but if you want to research it, you can get the "Love Cards" book by Robert Camp.
Why yes you can. Go to Page 7 (there's that Magical # again) for more info